Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sewing Lessons Today

We are having sewing lessons again today, but today it's my turn to sew.  The last two times have revolved around the wood sprites getting their chance to cut, piece together and sew.  Today I get to sew, or at least that's the plan.  I already know the very basics of sewing, but I've got so much more to learn. 

Sometimes the girls see me learning a new skill, such as knitting, and then they want to try it too.  I love showing them new skills, but sometimes they have to be patient while I learn the ropes (or yarns).  At their age and skill level, it's hard enough to teach them knitting unless I know what I am doing as well. When I barely know what I am doing in knitting, it makes it hard to show them and correct them in proper technique.  When they are older, we'll be able to do more in this area. 

With sewing, it's been nice to have someone else who already know the ropes who can help them jump right in and get started.  It's been fun learning sewing together.  I think it's good for them to see a parent excited about learning as well.  It also demonstrates that learning happens throughout one's life.

Learning should be natural and fun, and I think we accomplished that with sewing.  

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