Sunday, September 19, 2010

I Don't Need to Keep that Surly Mood

I admit it.  I wake up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes.

I'm nearly always an early riser, and I love having my early-morning private time...that is after I  feed the kittens, put out the hummingbird feeder, let the big cats in and out and in and out and in and out, let one bunny out (set up bunny gates first), get the big cats out of the kittens' food, pee and make coffee.  After all that, then my day begins.

I drink coffee, surf the net and watch Fox News.  Pretty simple morning routine.  I do have to eat pretty early because of my hypoglycemia or my blood sugar crashes and I feel like a monster.  That is something that is within my control.  If my routine gets messed up or something upsets me first thing in the morning, it gets me going in the wrong direction.  It doesn't take much to upset me, but today I kicked myself in the butt and started over.  The girls don't need me grumping (Brown County colloquialism).  I need to set a better example. 

I made myself be nice, and it turned out that I felt nicer.  :)  I even made Sami cinnamon toast cut out in fun shapes (Meg was full from cereal), and the kids are happy and playing together nicely.  Megan is even wearing her pirate patch and "hook" in honor of "International Talk Like a Pirate Day." 

Today I am working on keeping my glass half full.  It's worth it.

1 comment:

jugglingpaynes said...

I know exactly how you feel. Some days all it takes is for one person to wake up grumpy (not necessarily me) and it can throw off the whole day. I think it happens more often when we have to many over-planned days. It always comes down to me needing to learn to say no to some activities!

Thank you for your recent comments! I really appreciated hearing your perspective!

Peace and Laughter,