Saturday, May 15, 2010

Relaxing Week...Until the Nuclear Explosion

At least it feels like a nuclear explosion minus the radiation burns.

The girls and I had a pretty good week. We've been taking it easy, even though we've had some errands to run and projects to complete. It's never perfect, but I'm very happy with my time spent with my girls.

Since Friday morning, I've been babysitting seven children for a friend of mine. Every single one of them is a challenge! I know I would feel that way about anyone's children besides my own, simply because I'm used to the quirks of my own children but not other kids. I love children, but until I get to know them they are a challenge to me under the best of circumstances.

Six of these kids are foster children with their own stories, from a 13 year old boy to two year old twin boys. I felt like I was in the middle of a WWF audience audition! Yelling, arguing, tattling, complaining, disrespect. I've rarely seen anything like it, but then it's been a while since I was in junior high.

I've said it a million times, but everytime I see how other people's children act, I get a whole new respect and admiration for how my own children behave. I have the best children on the face of this Earth, and I am so blessed to have them in my life. I vow to never take them or their behavior for granted again.

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