Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dave in Baghdad

Dave finally got to call yesterday. He was in Baghdad, Iraq, and was awaiting a flight to his new base. His first flight was cancelled due to a sandstorm, but he may be able to fly out anytime today or later (sand permitting). He sounded like he was in good spirits, but was very tired. Apparently on the really long flight over, he was in the middle seat of the middle row of five seats. Dave is a big guy, so I can't imagine how he managed that one.

The girls have been snippy. Although my girls get along really well most of the time, they do have moments where they get a little "fussy" with each other. Their idea of fighting is to whine at each other about how the other isn't being quite fair. This week has been a little worse, and I think that's because Dave has been gone.

We all miss him and have been brave. The girls outwardly talk about how they miss their Dad while he is in Iraq, but I think that one of their symptoms is being extra fussy, whiny, and snippy. I've cut them a lot of slack, but I'm not letting them get away with too much whining and snipping because I don't want to start a new dichotomy. They are great children and I have no doubt we'll get through this little bubble.

We've got to get a little school work done this morning, before their little cousing comes over for babysitting. Thank goodness it will be a lovely day outside and we can spend some time playing in the yard. Look out, sunscreen! Here we come!

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