Monday, August 18, 2008

McCormick's Creek and the Science Fair

We just got back from spending a wonderful week at McCormick's Creek State Park (near Bloomington, Indiana). We got to ride Horses (weeeee!) and swim in the pool (brrrrrrrrr!) and sleep in a cabin with mice (eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!). The second night at the cabin, we put out some mouse traps and managed to lessen the mouse population by three. I got out of bed and did a little dance when they snapped (I was mad because they ate my oyster crackers). Bad Head Nut. :P

We got Hannah and Sarah the last night there. Sami, Hannah and I went through Wolf Cave (all the way to the end), and managed to not get lost. Dave was sweet enough to stay with Sarah and Megan, partly because the girls didn't want to go in very far, and partly because we had one Winnie-the-Pooh flashlight to share amongst six people in a narrow, cramped cave. Even the lead person couldn't see but two feet in front!

We also played in a waterfall, played in the creek, caught minnows, crawdads, and various bottom sucker fish, and collect fossils of crinoids and brachiopods. All in all it was a blast. It was so quiet at the park since most of the public school children were back in class.

Today we did 90% of the girls' science projects for their homeschool science fair, so they can present it this Thursday. I made them read all the material and hand write or print on the computer all the information themselves. I did help with spelling and organization, as well as what information was pertinent to put on their poster boards.

Sami is doing liquids, and will have a demonstration of various liquids and their densities. Megan is doing volcanoes, with a home-made plaster-of-paris volcano so that she can do the baking soda/vinegar thing. I was anxious about impressing other people (meaning other homeschool parents), but my husband reminded me that this isn't about me. It's about the girls learning and having fun doing it. I hate it when he's right! :P

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