Monday, October 11, 2010

Persimmon Pudding

Today was a fun day.  We went with the grandparents to pick persimmons at the park.  After we raided about five trees in five different locations, we brought them home and mashed the pulp out of them.  We then made persimmon pudding and had to wait for two hours while it baked.  It was worth every minute of work and waiting, because it was the best!

Sami was holding Megan up to reach the persimmons.  We had to explain that the ones on the ground are the best as they are ripe and soft.  Most of them in the trees are hard and bitter.
Grandma helped knock down ripe persimmons with a cane. 
Beautiful persimmons!
Grandpa supervising.
A nice plump persimmon. 
Using a special colander to pulverize the persimmons. 
The pulp squishes out of the small holes and leaves the seeds and skin behind.
Mixing the pulp with other magical ingredients to make the persimmon pudding.
The final result.  It was beyond delicious!
According to legend, the inside of the persimmon seed will predict the winter's weather.  These spoon shapes mean lots of snow to scoop.  A knife shape means a sharp, cold winter.  A fork means little snow is expected (forks don't scoop much) and it will be a mild winter. 

1 comment:

Christy said...

How fun. So are you looking forward to mounds of snow?