Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Sami asked for a journal.  She was worried because, even though she wanted a journal, she didn't know how to spell very well.  I told her that a journal would be hers alone so she didn't have to worry about spelling. That eased her distress a lot, so I told her I would find her one. 

I found a couple of decent journals at Sam's Club and bought one for each daughter.  Sami immediately started writing and drawing in her journal, and even put a few clippings in it from different writings.  I'm glad I haven't been pushing her to write, because now she is doing it on her own terms and she is really enjoying it.   She asked me why she likes writing in her journal so much.  She delayed eating her dinner so that she could write a little more.  She wrote in bed before going to sleep. 

Meggie saw how much Sami was enjoying her journal, and started writing in hers as well.  When someone enjoys what they are doing, is shows in their body language and demeanor, and it is contagious.

I have no idea what they are writing, because it is private.  I know that they are writing because I can see pages of words and Sami occasionally asks for the spelling of a word. 

Thank you, Jeff Kinney, for writing the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.  I think that is what inspired Sami to take this journey.   

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