Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of "Back to School"

We homeschool 24/7, so saying that we are going "back to school" doesn't really apply. However, we do keep the TV off and the computer games off so that natural learning does occur.

Our first day of school went smoothly. The girls claimed they were a little bored, so they made up stuff to do, which is what I wanted to happen in the first place. They read a little and I read to them a lot. They latch-hooked. They made buildings for their Zhu Zhu pets. Sami caught butterflies. They got to visit with their Aunt Amy.

They were calm, happy, and content. Except for the fact that Megan is dying to go to Walmart to spend her money...we'll work on that one next.

I wonder what we'll come up with today?

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